Terms and Conditions for puppies, older dogs and medicated/pre-existing conditions in dogs.
We are very serious about the medical welfare of the dogs in our care. Boarding extremely old, chronically ill or otherwise debilitated pets requires extra care, which our caring and trained staff are happy to provide. However, special-needs pets, puppies and senior pets naturally have a higher risk of injury, stress-related illness, or exacerbation of any pre-existing condition
Elderly Dog Waiver/Puppies
Puppies and dogs that are 10 years and over have a harder time dealing with the boarding experience than their counterparts. By signing the waiver below you are understand and agree to the following statements and waiver any claim for injury or illness experienced by your pet while in our care and that is not directly caused by the negligence or lack of care on the part of our staff.
• I understand that the stress involved in the boarding process is generally harder physically and mentally on my dog than it would be on its counterparts.
• Older dogs are more prone to illness while boarding due to stress and its causes.
• I will leave the name of a veterinarian to be contacted in case of a decline in my dog’s health while boarding.
• I understand that Cosy Toes Kennels will not hesitate to consult a veterinarian in the event of a decline in my dog’s health. I do
understand, however, that illnesses or events may occur during the night that is beyond the control of the kennel staff.
• I understand that all veterinary charges regarding my dog's health care are my responsibility. Should Cosy Toes Kennels be required to pay for veterinary care in advance, repayment will be made to Cosy Toes for all veterinary care charges.
In the unfortunate and unprecedented circumstance that your pet should pass away during their stay with us, we will contact you immediately and do our very best to accommodate any requirements that you may have at this time, whilst you arrange the collection of your pet.
Pre Existing Conditions
We require details of any pre-existing condition and reserve the right to consult a veterinary surgeon should we feel it necessary, the signing of this form gives us your consent to do so. We reserve the right to refuse to board any animal that is clearly unwell or in a very poorly condition.
All meditation shall be named and preferable in its original packaging with your dogs name on, the prescribed dose should be clearly stated.
We will not be held responsible if we have not been told about any pre-conditions or/and have not been given the correct information regarding medication and dosage. In some cases a list of medication will be required. Sorry, but we can no longer accept diabetic dogs or dogs that have seizures.
In the unfortunate and unprecedented circumstance that your pet should pass away during their stay with us, we will contact you immediately and do our very best to accommodate any requirements that you may have at this time, whilst you arrange the collection of your pet.
Any trip to the Vet we make will incur both time and travel costs and these will need to be paid by you to us on collection of your dog.
Owners will be required to sign the above document on arrival.